The AbbeyChurch and St. Matthias are excited to partner with the United Church's PM Region's First-Third Ministry to host Camp Spirit for a week in early August.
Ages for the 9am-3pm day-camp are 5-11, with a leader-in-training program for 12-14 year olds.
Cost is $100 - and includes a t-shirt and lunches - and bursaries are available at registration check-out. No one will be turned away due to economic need.
"Camp Spirit continues your Child's journey of Wonder - encouraging campers to explore faith through listening and experiencing the sacred stories, enjoy times of creativity and science, move to music, share a meal together and ​appreciate getting to know one another! Trained, screened staff &volunteers provide leadership and care while following health orders and camp's comprehensive COVID-19 protocols."
more info and to register go to