

We have two Sunday services; a traditional service (Book of Common Prayer) at 8:30 AM in St. Matthew’s Chapel, followed by a contemporary service (Book of Alternative Services) with Sunday School at 10:00 AM in the Main Sanctuary. On Thursdays at 10 AM we have an online bible study (the Zoom details can be obtained through the parish office). On the first Saturday of each month, a Taize service is held at 5 PM.

Here at Church of the Advent:
We strive to be an open and affirming community of Christians welcoming anyone seeking companionship, spiritual nourishment, opportunity for worship and, as Christ directs us, to engage and provide for the poor and vulnerable in local and global communities. 

What is it like?
Welcome! Whether you enter via the front door or this website we hope and pray that you have a warm and exciting experience! Come as you are - we dress in everyday clothes, and we're pretty relaxed. 

If you find yourself at our Parish Worship Centre you will find a hub of activity. As you enter the front doors you will find yourself in the Narthex - and on a Sunday, someone is always ready to chat! In front of you, slightly to the left, you will see St. Matthew’s Chapel - our worship space for our 8:30 and Wednesday morning worship. To the right is the entrance to the main worship space with flexible seating, grand piano, and a children’s table! To your left you will find the entrance to our hall, St John's meeting room, classrooms, kitchen and bathrooms. We strive to be a barrier-free environment so, with the exception of our Sound Booth and storage, everything is on one level.

We have vast and varied ministries happening here at the Church of the Advent and we are always open and welcoming to new ideas. Our ministry team includes lay people from all walks of life and of all ages. Our parish priest (Rector) is Ingrid Andersen, who is also a Franciscan Sister, and who comes from South Africa. We are eager to meet you and to get to know you better. You don't need to know what to do in the service - we're pretty relaxed. All people are welcome at the communion rail. If you don't wish to take communion, please feel free to come up for a blessing. Gluten free wafers are available on request.

We pray that ours might be a warm, welcoming, spiritual home for you and your family. We love children, and they are at the heart of our worship.

If you find yourself with us on a Sunday at a 10:00 worship time please do stay for fellowship. Our worship time ends with the sacred coffee/tea time!

What about Youth?
We are a Faith Family that celebrates all ages and stages of life. Within our main Sanctuary we have a “Children’s Play Area” with coloring sheets, books and soft toys. This allows any children who want to remain in the Sanctuary an opportunity to do so and still be children. We provide a private space for nursing and diaper changes. Our Sunday School program runs from September – June. We welcome children ages 4 – 13 to join in our fun and engaging program!

How can I get connected?

You can call us at 250-474-3031. Email always works as well (admin@colwoodanglican.ca).